
41 Followers 24 Following Joined about 3 years ago

alternative names: stupidito, idiocyi, idyiot, miseryi



Life's a bad joke. But I guess at least someone finds it funny. So who cares? Nobody. Do your thing, no matter who opens their mouth.


I changed into a fly. I wanted to feel so alive. I pulled off my wings...


Music just sounds better when there's something to run away from.


the official waste basket account.

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  • Still waiting and wishing for a day where I don't feel like I'm doing everything wrong.

  • Every year I find some way to reach new extremes.

    It's so f***ing bad this time.

    I'm losing it. I'm just absolutely losing it at this point. I don't even feel real.

  • I'm gonna start doing things bruh.

  • I know exactly who we die is. I'm not sure whether people are joking on their wall, because I think at least one of the members is painfully obvious.

  • bru. Started gaining weight. I'm on my twink death ark. 💀

    • No. I've always had a bit of belly fat. I lost quite a bit of it back when I had a diet that was probably as unhealthy, if not more than what I have now. I kinda liked being slimmer, but damn it just made my reflux WORSE.

    • Were you underweight before?

  • artists not being queer challenge (impossible)

  • Don't you just love it when you can't fall asleep for no reason whatsoever and you basically know beforehand that you absolutely won't.

  • I watched 1 video with furries alright? My yt front-page is now infested with them. Bruh. No I'm not interested in furry tiktok where the hell did that come from? 😭

  • Feeling like doing the "bridge yahoo"

  • I present to you, my aleatoric piece: "aaaaaa! in 3 parts, for one or more voices"






    Thank you. *Bows*

  • *Intense internal screaming*

  • There's some ideological clash I've noticed recently. It's me putting on a hardcore defensive. Not quite healthy. Need to keep an open mind. Difficult to do so when I understand my position as somewhat of an objective truth. I just want to avoid damage by those strong ideologies. All of this has to do with ego and self-definition again. Life is easier if you define yourself within extremely vague bounds. Determine nothing and expect change in everything.

  • In the end it's just me again. In the same place, with the same mind, not doing what I'm supposed to.

  • Fart

  • Still don't know what to think of copyright, AI and the ethics behind it...