
867 Followers 87 Following Joined about 11 years ago



'Bewm, Kitty.'

Go check it out!

Follow me on IG!

Discord: zir0h_music

Name pronounced like "fuck you zero" but the "fuck you" is silent.

BDAY Feb 14 for anyone that cares

PRONOUNS: They/she, pap smear

Amateur producer/composer who likes what you love, because I want you to feel supported in whatever you love doing, too.

I like gaming, movies, cartoons and anime, and my favorite dish is gyoza.

I love listening to a whole album just because I liked one song on it.

- 'Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.'

- 'Every work matters.'

Can I get a what-what for ADHD?

My E-music faves are Rezz and Ganja White Night. If their music had a baby, I want that baby to be my music.

I'm into many different genres, but this is where my interests lie.

Don't let anyone stop you from being who you are. Understand you will make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them. Be the best you can be, and always surround yourself with people who love you and support that vision. I enjoy the experience of helping an idea become the best version of itself.

Quality over quantity. Don't sacrifice what you want for what you have, and share love with everyone! Good and bad, the experiences are what makes you who you are. Do what makes you feel good. Smile.

Please consider supporting me if you like what I do and want to see me get better.

IF YOU POST A TRACK ON MY WALL: you are thereby agreeing to be open to feedback and critique, and I WILL be honest. I'll always try to say if I like it, or if I don't, and why. If I don't leave constructive feedback, I either have none to give, or I don't know how to help. If you have questions, please feel free to post them on my wall with a link to the track in question.

Last thing: Don't be like me. Be next to me. And, as always, stay classy bitches <3

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  • thanks for following, and for the support on Ragdoll!

    • Thanks for the music! Please keep creating πŸ™

  • Some people don't deserve an explanation.

    Just block their ass, and move on with your life.

  • hey thx for the follow much appraceated( i can never spell that word) me brain tiny 😭😭


    • Where did you come from?

      Where did you go?

    1 more
  • bruh looks way too sexy

  • You do some very nice music. I love listening to your song while i do things.

  • "Name pronounced like "fuck you zero" but the "fuck you" is silent"


    • Can't tell if this reaction is approving or disapproving πŸ˜…

  • Hey there! Just wanted to drop a quick "hello" since I saw you were online.

    • the song Zero is for science

      I like traveling but not constantly. It's nice when you can stop for a while to get to know the places and the people.

    • maybe, I don't know.

    • What's the name of the track? I'll definitely give it a listen when I have some time.

      Oooo you travel a lot? that's awesome! I have a friend in Belize rn living it up while I stuck here in America lol I might be glorifying travel, but it seems better than staying in one place, if you ask me.

    2 more
  • Its okay ,you can check if you want dont feel like you must πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

  • I tried to play around with that thing you sent me, haven't gotten much done yet as I'm still trying to understand the draft a bit.

    I've left little notes on the part that I made so you can read what I've done and any questions I have :)

    • No it's all good. I wanna give it a proper try first

    • We honestly can work on anything else if youre not feeling anything from that one i already invited you too.

    • Lol don't worry about it. If it works for you it works for you

    5 more
  • Nothing warms my heart more than waking up at 8 AM to get on Audiotool and seeing other active users <3

  • Idk what your schedule looks like or how much you got on your plate, but I'd totally be down to collab at some point in the near future if you're feeling up to it :)

    • Done, you should have a request from "when_the_rain_falls" :)

    • if you can, add me at Zir0h_music on discord and we can communicate there.

      we'll probably have to shoot for something in the evenings Saturdays after 3pm cuz Sundays are booked for me and it's back to work again on Monday.

      Send me a FR, and we'll go from there :)

    • I have a new project I'm thinking about starting, so when I get it started we could potentially use that as a practice draft.

      Otherwise I'm open to pretty much anything, and I'm pretty active on discord, so that works well for me if we decide to go that route

    4 more
  • dawg I heard one of your tracks and damn its fire

  • Still waiting on that invite dawg

    • All good hahah. Don't worry about it

    • Sorry I hadn't gone into detail more in my original post :3

    • I'll get it sent to you. I'll probably send you an invite to a draft I've already started to see if you can maybe add anything to it. And then we'll go from there. That being said, I'm currently busy participating with the aliens remix competition and do not have time for anything else until that's over