Blue Pine

19 Followers 7 Following Joined about 8 months ago

Oldy From 2017-2021 Audiotool

Came back, kinda doing whatever now these days

Have a Diary I add to on my wall whenever i feel like it or have something to say. Miss spelling will be common.

Discord: siderune

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  • "Dairy"

    I suffer from a severe case of ends to soon

  • "Dairy"

    If i'm honest Breakneck was a temp name

    Really interested in Blue Pine for some reason idk honestly! it's weird not being stuck to a name for once!

    Noticed alot of my old stuff is just nonsense too it's weird to see how much i've evolved and really got a grip of melody theory and stuff. I'm still an ape but less so i suppose

  • idk if you're good for collabs but i think it would be interesting to do random stuff

  • u got mad potential

  • "Dairy"

    feels good to be just, back again ig you could say.

    Relived and such but just is nice.

    Chemical burning my hands for no reason is fun ngl, idk what the hell i was doing

  • "Dairy"

    Been thinking about what my music mains to me or just where it belongs what to even do with it! It's up to me to decide where i steer but honestly it's always my hands that do. Currently really just been testing out stuff of just "emotional bursts" and quickly putting them down. Realized i can do it supper well and fast. which makes me happy. Thank you to everyone who has been giving me advice and just kind words thank you!

  • Amazing work

  • "Dairy"

    Learnt about paint sprayers ig. I highly doubt this information will be useful to me in my life at all because it's cheaper to just paint a door with a paint brush then to buy a 300+ Dollar machine that you have to very carefully maintenance in order for it to last. Other than that been listening to the album "The nature of Imitation" Alot recently. I wish i was that smart with music makes me frustrated

    • i feel like the social aspects of this site also affects how some people make music let alone present it

      but that's a discussion probably ran to the ground i probably won't talk about

      but to think for yourself and your own growth with little to no outside influence or worries about how others perceive your works makes a difference

      just my take though out of what i've seen

    • usually trying new or different things help

      there was a short instance i would take up making sound effects using synths and putting them together into random soundcapes

      not a lot of people here consider you can do more than just music with audiotool (though making music is the pitch for most audio software nowadays) so there's something to try i guess

    • It's still possible to get around it, i.e. rule based creation. Just place down random ideas, develop the bad ones, listen to new music, build structure. Eventually your brain will capture a good idea and creativity will flow. From experience.

    8 more
  • bad timing


  • "Dairy"

    Well my life is complete found love and what not. But it's time to just get back to everything that was. Ugh till something else happens but otherwise just feeling amazing currently I've had the best time of my life last weekend.

  • "Dairy"

    had to put my emotions into something or i was just going to pass out.

    Just really excited

  • "Add-on/Entry" Been pounding in my head, an old and buried thought of mine. Why can't i understand some music while other praise it non-stop. I feel sick of being a critic i just want to understand why people enjoy things. I just want to understand but my mind feels blocked and i just can't figure out why. My life feels so frustrating and is why i have so many enemies. I just can't understand the things they like and it drives me mad sometimes. In both ways

  • "Dairy"

    I couldn't be more ready in 4 days it's happening. Finally the permanent seal that will cap off my downward spiral and full recovery will be over.

    4 fucking days so much anticipation for me. so much has changed and just i feel like my music has common sense now and just. I'm full of the passion and desire like how i used to.

    "Sidenote" i have some fucking wild ass friends lmfao but whatever xD

  • "Dairy"

    Started a weird tradition for mother's day. I tend to like doing that then seeing if i remember next year as a test of my memories. Other than that 5 more days till my vacation, Finally starting to get excited for it and i am doing the final prep work before I leave. God i've been planning this shit since February and my ocd of wanting everything to be perfect and good to go is scaring the shit out of me.