iced moka

40 Followers 10 Following Joined about 1 year ago

I will never be on again at got blocked

age: 15

irl people i know :)

@juju_bee @Mr.Inferno go to my school so they are probably also blocked


rules I have:

dont make fun of disorders

dont be homophobic

dont make fun of my religion


call me Moka


i wont include myself in your drama


I, moka, offer my soul to po9t. I will do as he says, listen to all of his tracks, worship him and bring the cookies I receive to our community cult grathing on Wednesdays to brag about. If I shall disobey po9t I will give up all my cookies and be locked in the "bad cookie cult eater cage" for the amount of time po9t wants. If I shall make po9t jealous of the amount of cookies I have collected, I will not sit with him at lunch and give up all of my cookies to him.


⟟⋔ ⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬ ⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒ ⎅⍜⋏⏁ ⌰⟒⏃⎐⟒ ⋔⟒


please dont put your music on my wall unless we are friends <3


Quotes with maze


"your going to act like you didnt see that box hit me in the head"- @MazeLyn

"i went upstairs and got lost"- @MazeLyn

"hot cocoa is hot"- @MazeLyn

"i just hit myself in the booty with a milk carton"- @MazeLyn

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  • Yall its me icedmoka i got a new account

  • heyyyy it's been a while since we've talk

    I've missed talking to you

    • hey yah this account got blocked by my school so i made a new one (:

  • who else just loves the kahoot music

  • im stuck in my room because of a spider :(

  • Using my phone to tell yall that thanks to my school i am no longer able to be on at as it is now blocked, goodbye it was nice knowing yall

    • securly sometimes decides to block canvas which is my school website as well as literally everything else that I use like my email

    • its a bookmark and extension

    • How?

    4 more
  • Hiya~!! It's been a bit since we talked! We kinda disconnected for a bit, I wanted to see how you were doing!

  • THank You for Being a friend Of mine!

  • Heyy moka

  • you tht one girl tht hate 321122

    whatever the fuck it is right

    1 more
  • doing a research project but i sadly have to stop doing it because i have to study for a math test tomorrow T^T

    • that reminds me of the math homework that's due tomorrow that i did not do at all :D

  • ok so it may just be my adhd but for some reason i cant remember most of my childhood even though im only 15 and i should be able to remember it even when my mom tells me details and explains the memory i just cant remember sometimes me forgetting things is also bad in school but ive been told that its my adhd so idk ... :(

    • for some reason I can only remember the really bad things about when i was younger

  • i want to go home and lay in bed and cry :)

    1 more
  • :)

    • oh ok i hope whatever you are dealing with gets better :)

    • Ive been dealing with a lot, and Im slowly starting to unfollow almost everyone. Its nothing you did wrong, I just dont want to be involved with barely anyone anymore. You can always contact me by @ me on your wall though! I'll be glad to talk again and check up on you!

      Although my wall is locked for those who I dont follow, you can always look and give feedback on my songs. There you can comment even if I dont follow you.

    • @Rocka'Chan you unfollowed me a while ago and i just wanted to know why i will stop bothering you now sorry for the tag i just wanted to know why you unfollowed me cause i thought we were friends :(

    1 more
  • :)