
230 Followers 177 Following Joined about 11 years ago

There is no real or fake music

music is just music

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  • HI! love ur music bro just hoping we could collaborate sometime.

    • sure, but i'm quite terrible at finishing anything in a timely manner

  • Nameless can you PLEASE explain why your songs sound like you sold your soul to someone for it to be THE MOST PERFECT THING TO MATCH THE DESCRIPTION

    • also finding a good medium to create ideas through, not just looking at a screen and placing notes helps a lot. I play guitar but it could be any instrument. cheap pawn shop keyboard whatever you can manage.

    • don't give a fuck what other people think

      don't follow the "rules" of music

      make the music YOU want to make

      listen to your heart/soul

      live your life, and don't worry so much about all the small details, have fun and enjoy the process

      it's okay to fail and learn from your mistakes

      and finally FUCK GENRES

  • Hello. I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release

    'The 7Day EP'

    You're welcome to join if you'd like to listen and chat to people.

    Thank you for reading if you did and apologies for the spam.

    (Follow if you like) -

  • y'all need to be learned some rhythm

  • yo

  • are you italian?

  • How does it feel to be one of the five to have a favorite from yourmother

  • thanks for the love bro

  • why audiotool be broke tho

  • hey

  • ur car?

    1 more
  • Hi man how are you?