
1210 Followers 126 Following Joined about 8 years ago

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  • Porter's new direction is so bold but so good. I feel like I'm still warming up to it but I have the feeling it's way deeper than nurture

    • russian roulette might just be one of his best songs ever written omg

  • We should make some music together!

  • Your amazing, just thinking you should know that ;)

  • Raaaiiiiii

  • More song with other user, like...... analog memories

  • H e l l o

  • Check this one out: Arcade (synthwave)


  • I would be honored if you gave my tracks a listen..I would be shocked and super honored if you started following me..

    • Yeah thanks for being understanding. And thank you for the support too! Good luck on your musical journey

    • Oh one more thing.. I wouldn't even know how to send you spam on here..Much less spam anywhere else...I have no clue how to spam anybody anywhere online...I used to have my own websites and I know what Im' doing friend...I could carelesss about spamming anyone..on top of that..why would I spam an artist that I respect and like? LOLOL anybody that spams you are not your fans, and probably would have no clue who you are

    • And you know, some people won't ever know an artist exist,until you advertise..but now that I know you feel that way...I won't send anything more...Congrats on the win, just remember, not everybody is out to spam you or attack you online and we are all one big AudioFamily...try not to get the bighead friend....Just saying No one person is more important than the other..I've been an musician all my life with drums, guitars, basses, turntables..so ....So I show respect for all musical talent. 1

    2 more
  • hey, I was wondering if I could use your lead you made from that dreamhack song?

  • sent u somethin

  • So far this is my only liquid Dnb track..Old School feel to it..
