
2056 Followers 280 Following Joined about 13 years ago

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  • come back again ;-)

  • Hi!

    I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release 'The 7Day EP'

    You can check it here first, see if you like it:

    (The 7Day EP)

    You're welcome to join if you'd like to listen and chat to people at the same time!

    Thank you for reading if you did and apologies for the spam.

    (Follow if you like):

  • ok...everytime i come back and i'm in the mood for a track, the app is down, when is maintenance, when is not connecting... if you dont want me anymore, just say it :)

    • No cripta no party

    • it works again! hopefully, you didn't lose your mood by this time

    • Keep that motivation, can't wait to hear another cripta track :D

    2 more
  • Congratulations! One of your tracks made it into our Extra Long Mix playlist on our Youtube Channel To get the project going and to reach and inspire as many people as possible to promote you and Audiotool with such actions, we rely on your support. Please make a lot of noise on all your channels and distribute it among your friends.


  • Thank you for checking out my tracks!

  • stay safe, craftmaster!

  • cripta.. da quanto tempo.. 6 sempre top artista .

    se ti va è quando hai tempo, possiamo fare qualcosa su e Extreme Project.

    ricordi le credenziali? Non mi ricordo più un ca...

    • ueee ciao grande! quanto tempo, spero tu stia bene! si mi piacerebbe, ma purtroppo non riesco proprio, e' tantissimo che non frequento, che non faccio musica, sono a corto sia di tempo che di ispirazione.

      per le credenziali non so come recuperarle, io ce l ho salvate, entra automaticamente.

      ma dove parlavamo noi ? su facebook ?

  • collab? :)

    • oh sorry for late reply, thanks for request... i would like but as you can see, i'm not even making music, i have no time at the moment, but who knows, maybe in the future :)

    • we could make somthing unique

  • good to see that you have internet again neighbour ;)

    3 more
  • Ciao Cripta, sono la compagna di Max, WhiteGrizzly, mi chiamo Barbara. Devo darti una bruttissima notizia....come posso fare per sentirti di persona?

  • Ciao Marco, si tira sempre il carretto, muli siamo muli rimaniamo.

    E si sempre darkettone son rimasto e sempre resteró.

    Tu spero tutto nel miglior dei modi possibile.

    Un abbraccio.

  • nice picture ! so happy for you :)

    hope all is well for you my friend.

    • yes too bad we couldn't meet, my bad, i'm so sorry :(

      i give you my email, it would be so nice to talk with you again !

    • hope you are good too!! still sad we didnt meet in paris :(

      let me know if we can talk somewhere. hugs!!!

  • Long time no see!

    • I know! I dont even remeber how to use it! :)


  • YES your online! <3

    • Ehy ! Sometimes they come back :)

  • thanks for the love my man, i really appreciate it!!! <3

    • You are welcome!! Needed some good techno.
