
974 Followers 283 Following Joined about 9 years ago

dJ and music producer on reason and ableton but i like AT more :)

TECHNO ACID TRANCE ... and many styles more i like to tweak synths :)

here you can find all my collabs Collaberal Damage

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  • Hi Chris how are you ?

    • hey! cant complain, i feel good at the moment. started to get my head into electronics to make some eurorack synths. how are you?

  • YO MAN would you happen to know how to change the tone of like a sample to be deeper? or higher pitched?

    • You are able to change the pitch of a Sample in 3 ways .

      1. Use a Pitch delay. Turn it full wet and lower feedback and delaytime too 1/16. The Playback is 1/16 delayed, place the Sample 1/16 earlier. Pitch the Sample.

      2. Mashiniste has a pitchknob.

      3. You are able to manipulate Samples Like in ableton (warping)

  • Hi christian

    Please take 1 minute to listen this one


    Batoune & the brewers

  • Hi christian - wie gehts? kannst Du mir den bittersweet remix vo mir freischaltn, damit ich den beim Contst einreichn kann? greetz!

    • hey grüße. danke gehts halbwegs. habs grade versucht zu öffnen. da kommt ein fehler mit imported flash track. ka ahnung was da los ist. werds aber morgen mal versuchen, hab da mehr zeit.

  • man you have the best sounds <3

  • Hi!

    I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release 'The 7Day EP'

    You can check it here first, see if you like it:

    (The 7Day EP)

    You're welcome to join if you'd like to listen and chat to people at the same time!

    Thank you for reading if you did and apologies for the spam.

    (Follow if you like):

  • I'm trying to get on first class records but I need your help, the requirement is at least 50 followers but I only got 44 at the time of writing this ): If you have some time check out my music and see if I'm worthy of a follow!

    • What do you think of the mixing I have done on our other collab? I really wanted to clean up the mix as much as I can. But hopefully it's not too many centroids.

      I can replace some of these with kobolts as well

    • I'm spending time with family because of 4th of July, but hopefully can add more to your invite soon!

  • Just published my collab with you. Hoping to work on the other collaboration this weekend as well

  • Hello Chris, how have you been?

    • Same as you as well. Just in my last year of school and looking at jobs in my career. It's a lot to think about, but I hope it will be rewarding.

      I would love to find some time and make another song with you. I keep busy but definitely miss doing collabs with people.

      Hey, do you still use your discord?

    • hey! some up and downs like usual but its getting better.

      got a work atm and try to get my hands on a few modular synth pieces..

      shit is expancive as hell . at least something to look foward :)

      hope you are doing allright?

  • eyy man