s l e e p

98 Followers 42 Following Joined about 5 months ago

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  • do you like my Round 'A' Bout?

    3 more
  • 3 New Albums releasing soon 💜


  • you should try this Remake Challenge Made By Sparky the Phoenix, the prize is worth it.

  • your finally getting the attention you deserved! i cant believe your only 14 and making this amazing music! dont ever quit your extremely talented!

    • and thank you

    • I don't think I plan to, my mom is pretty supportive in me doing this but no telling what will happen with what will happen.

      Guess I got to just wait and see 💜

  • Hey Mr. sleep! How long you alraedy make music? I start at13 years I think... How can I help you, have you gut Ideas? I think you could improve your mixintechnique. In some songs it sounds like your Sounds are in the same soundspectrum. This is difficult for your ear to seperate it... If you seperate any sound, it would give maybe more depth to your sound... This is a good example in my opinion, do you know what I mean? (and this my favorite ambient-artist)

    • also btw brain-walker, I look up to you. Good job on what you've been doing here on AudioTool

    • Thank you for the advise, I do want to make something different like something spacey and sad but I cant really get the right setups sometimes, takes a while but I'll get there soon enough. I do use the same presets and I do want to change or at least include more presets to my music to improve it.

    • But you got your own great and dark style of sound - I like it!

  • hi

  • i hope you find some you

  • I am learning how to make music as I go, learning the synths and effects and stuff. I still don't really know what I am doing but I am mostly just 50/50 of knowing and not knowing. Trying my hardest right now to produce tracks and I kind of want to pursue a career in making ambient music and learn how other artists do it.

    Don't know what the future holds but I am just hoping it to be a positive step

    . . .

    Thank you everyone for at least believing in me, Hoping to stay 💜

    • I'll follow in your steps lmao

  • nice pfp

  • could you listen to my new song Adventure plz?

  • "lost in your thoughts, lost in space . . . . .

    . . . . whatever you do, just don't drift to far away"

    - s l e e p


  • can you listen to my new album

  • Sorry to everyone for not producing good music, I will try harder. I just have to find the right presets and get to work and I got to get more inspiration and ideas. I unfortunately don't have that much to really work with but I will try to make something work.

    • oh lol I didnt even notice that thanks :)

    • *advice

    • Everyone does have their own way of making music and it works well for everyone.

    6 more
  • 300th comment

    Beat you all to it >:)

  • ttps://www.audiotool.com/track/vxxk7d6swm96/

    More traditional things for me