I wanted to try some heavier stuff this album, and this is one of more rock-oriented songs in here



will edit the vocal screams soon

enjoy :)

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  • This makes me laugh every time

    • they arent bad, n if u think so keep opinions 2 urself. dont gotta be a dick

    • The vocals dude. Theyre so bad theyre funny lol

    • why

  • this is fucking dope dude

  • This is really good. I think I hear a bit of 'Heroes' by David Bowie in there?

    • thank you, and not sure about David Bowie part 😂

  • holy fuck

  • reminds me of her


  • Very cool !

  • Republished

    undid some shit

    did some new shit

    • not yet, I just have the screams so far

      struggling with lyrics on this

    • did you do vocals tho

  • Republished

    guitar mixing #1

  • The overall mixing isn't phenomenal from a general pov. But for whatever reason I really love how the drums are mixed with the instruments. This is extremely beautiful. I listen to it often. It's only the mids and high mids that are clashing way too much. Fix those, and this track will be stellar

    2 more
  • Lemme get the headphones rq...

    21 more
  • It’s sounds awesome and so professional! I love the screaming, but those drums have it be my favorite!

    13 more
  • lol the screaming suprised me

  • this is cool, i like the soundscape going on. i do feel like the screams are a bit out of place though, especially since there are no lyrics beforehand and the whole instrumental cuts out to emphasize them. you could get away with a blackgaze sound if you screamed a bit higher like shrieks

    it's also pretty short, it seems like a track that could build for wayyy longer and have a better payoff

    • real

    • publishing tracks before they are finished is so you don't forget they exist when you get bored or uninspired 8 bars in and then come back to it after 10 more unfinished tracks!!!!!!!!!!! (its a really good work ethic i swear)

    • it's a habit I REALLY need to break 😭

      I think of these pre-pubs more as teasers or demos

    2 more
  • Cool track :~)

  • My favorite <3