Does anyone know how to emulate a wavetable Synth in Audiotool?

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Title pretty self-explanatory, I think. Is it possible?

How would I essentially do it?

I'm thinking the Heisenberg's phase modulation is as close as it gets, but I was curious if there are better ways to do it?

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  • If at had macros your problem would be solved in an instant

  • Phase mod is nothing like wavetable synthesis, I'm afraid.

    You can automate the waveforms on the heisenberg, but as it's not smooth transitions between these waveforms it's not what you're after.

    You can get much smoother transitions between the basic waveforms that the pulv provides.

    You can also use the space to transition between the number of harmonics in the waveform and after setting up A and B oscillators as having different waveforms, you could transition between them..but again, it's not exactly what you're after there either. It's more of a crossfade than a true interpolation of the waveforms.